Small Video System
Includes one 6’ tripod pull up screen with 4000 lumens projector and cables
Rate: $145.00 per first day rental
$175.00 for 8’ widescreen version

Post and cradle Floor screen with projector
Includes one 8’ floor model screen with 4000 lumens projector and cables
Rate: $155.00 per first day rental
$165.00 for 10’ version

Dual vision video system
Includes One 6x8’ dual vision fastfold screen (project from front or rear) with 4000 lumens projector and cables
Rate $150.00 per first day rental

Widescreen dual vision video system
One 6.5x10’ dual vision widescreen with 5500 lumens projector and cables
Rate $415.00 per first day rental

Canada Proud